Useful Energy Conservation Tips

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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Tips when shopping for windows

  • When you're shopping for new windows, look for the National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC) label; it means that the windows are performance certified.

  • Remember, the lower the U-value, the better the insulation. In colder climates, a U-value of 0.35 or below is recommended. These windows have at least double glazing and low-e coating.

  • In warm climates, where summertime heat gain is the main concern, look for windows with double glazing and spectrally selective coatings that reduce heat gain.

  • Select windows with air leakage ratings of 0.3 cubic feet per minute or less.

  • In temperate climates with both heating and cooling seasons, select windows with both low U-values and low solar heat gain coefficiency (SHGC) to maximize energy benefits.

  • Look for the ENERGY STAR® and EnergyGuide labels.


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Useful Energy Conservation Tips

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