Useful Energy Conservation Tips

Discover the Financial Potential of Simple Energy Conservation Tips. You will SAVE much money starting NOW, in your home or business!

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Useful Energy Conservation Tips - For Consumers

You have an important role to play right now.

Energy efficiency and conservation go a long way toward preserving our planet's rich natural resources and promoting a healthy environment.

Below you will find simple things that consumers, businesses, children and teachers can do to help reduce energy consumption. I encourage you all to do these things right now to reduce energy demand, cut energy costs, and protect our precious natural resources.

  1. In the winter, turn your thermostats down to 68 degrees or below. Reduce the setting to 55 degrees before going to sleep or when leaving for the day. (For each 1 degree you turn down the thermostat in the winter, you'll save up to 5% on your heating costs.)

  2. Turn off non-essential lights and appliances. The electricity generated by fossil fuels for a single home puts more carbon dioxide into the air than two average cars!

  3. Avoid running large appliances such as washers, dryers, and electric ovens during peak energy demand hours from 5:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

  4. Close shades and blinds at night to reduce the amount of heat lost through windows. This also applies during the day for warm climates.

  5. Buy Energy Star appliances, products and lights.


************ More Useful Resources *************

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Useful Energy Conservation Tips

In Portuguese:
Poupar Água - Reduzir o consumo facilmente!
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